SolidTek DML2 数码笔记本,电子记事本
- 用签字笔在普通纸上书写,数码笔记本会自动将笔迹转化成电子格式。
- 内置32MB,可通过CF卡扩展储存
- 书写区域面积是8.5*11英寸
- 包含DIGMEMO管理软件,可用于查看编辑和组织数字笔记
- 设备的尺寸是13.2*0.47*9.9英寸
The SolidTek DM-L2 DigiMemo L2 8-1/2-by-11-Inch Digital Notepad is a stand-alone device that can digitally capture what you write and draw on regular paper--with no special paper or computer. The Digital Notepad remembers the strokes that you draw and when you are done, you simply plug the Notepad into your computer via USB and upload your notes. Then you will have both a digital and a paper copy. The included DigiMemo Manager software lets you easily view, edit, and organize your digital pages in Windows. The digital pages can be saved as BMP, JPG, GIF, or PNG formats. You can then easily share your digital pages with others, or highlight, annotate, and edit them.
When the pad is connected to a PC, it can function as a graphics tablet, with the writing on the paper and the writing on the screen synchronized. The DigiMemo L2 has a writing area of 8 by 11 inches and has 32 MB of built-in storage, with a CompactFlash memory card slot for expansion. The pad is light and thin, and isn't uncomfortable to hold or use. The battery of the pen can last about 14 months and the pad will last about 100 hours on four AAA alkaline batteries. The unit automatically shuts down after 30 idle minutes.
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